Payments are due on the first of each month, drop off in the slot on the south side of the Town Hall
or mailed to P.O. Box 85, Lansing, MN 55950 If you wish to see the Consumer Confidence Report on water quality, please contact Bernie Boverhuis. Billing questions, contact Diana Witt (507) 440-1916 or use the form below. Sewer/Water maintenance, contact Bernie Boverhuis (507) 438-5014 Please use the WATER/SEWER CONTACT FORM below to notify us if you are a new water and/or sewer customer or if you are moving. Thank you! |
Water and/or Sewer SSD Members The Lansing Town Board passed resolutions on June 21, 2022 regarding shut-off policy and rates, charges and fees. Please see document below ![]()
There are two Subordinate Service Districts (SSDs) within Lansing Township. I. Lansing village SSD provides water and sewer services in Lansing village. II. Andyville SSD provides sewer services in the Andyville area east of Highway 218. A. Within the boundary of a Subordinate Service District (SSD) Please use the WATER/SEWER CONTACT FORM below to notify us if you are a new water and/or sewer customer or if you are moving. Thank you! B. New service outside the boundary of an existing SSD 1) Petition. Submit a petition signed by at least 50 percent of the property owners in the part of the town proposed for the subordinate service district may be submitted to the town board requesting the establishment of a new or the expansion of an existing subordinate service district to provide a service that the town is otherwise authorized by law to provide. The petition must include the territorial boundaries of the proposed district and specify the kinds of services to be provided within the district. The town board, upon petition, may enlarge any existing subordinate service district under the procedures specified in Minnesota Statutes sections 365A.03 to 365A.06. Only property owners residing in territory to be added to the district shall be eligible to participate in an election, unless at least 25 percent of the property owners residing in the existing district petition to participate, in which case all property owners residing in the proposed enlarged district shall be eligible. 2. Public Hearing. Upon receipt of the petition, and the verification of the signatures by the town clerk, the town board shall, within 30 days following verification, hold a public hearing on the question of whether or not the requested district shall be established. The notice of public hearing must specify the special services to be provided within the subordinate service district and must specify the territorial boundaries of the requested district. The notice of public hearing must be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the town at least 14 days prior to the date of the public hearing. 3. Approval; Disapproval. Within 30 days after the public hearing, the town board by resolution shall approve or disapprove the establishment of the requested district. An approving resolution must specify the special services to be provided within the subordinate service district and must specify the territorial boundaries of the district. A resolution approving the establishment of the district may contain amendments or modifications of the district's boundaries or functions as set forth in the petition. Source: Minnesota Statutes Chapter 365A |